Monday, December 8, 2008
my worst fear realized
after some words of encouragement (thanks doobie) i was able to sweep the beast out my front door. thankfully it did not wake up. i've spent the last hour tip toeing around my apartment searching for hidden crumbs or anything that might attract future unwanted visitors.
i think it might be a 2 ambien night.
Friday, December 5, 2008
schedule (pronounced shed-ewel here)
6:35 snooze
6:40 snooze
7:10 up
7:30 drive (no cd player, worst radio stations imaginable)
8:05 work, work
10:00 eat yogurt, i hate the lumps
10:01 gag from yogurt
10:03 throw remainder of yogurt away
... various work dealings
11:30 lunch plans cancelled
11:33 hungry, eat carrots, throw green nubs away
12:00 post boring blog
12:01 my baddd.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Regift of a regift?
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Unfortunately, Thanksgiving is not a holiday here.
Fortunately, Bahamians don't need an excuse to eat ridiculously large meals.
So while I may have to work on Thursday, rest assured that I will be spending a large portion of my day eating a huge Thanksgiving "lunch", followed by dinner at a coworkers house.
I guess this means I am scrapping my original plan of eating an entire green bean caserole by myself while watching steal magnolias for the 10th time since I've been here. Thank God!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
dizygotic twins
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Sarah Visits!!
Selected photos from Sarah's visit a few weeks ago. We had a fabulous time! Spent a day on Harbour Island, shopped, drove around in a golf cart, ate a delicious meal at Nobu, gambled, hit the beaches, and most importantly...Sarah made her homemade Mac & Cheese.
There was a strawberry daquiri incident, but we don't need to get into that.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Seeing Red
Working for a non-profit can be a bit tricky at times. When the economy goes south, our number of "clients" goes through the roof. Unfortunately, the number of donations are simultaneously plumetting somewhere far, far below the floor boards. It's understandable. The middle and upper classes are watching their 401k's and life savings vanish before their eyes.
Unfortunately, this leads to a huge decline in charitable giving for social service organizations like my own. Most non-profits receive about 40% of their annual income during the months of November and December. In a time when I should be overwhelmed thanking individuals and companies for their donations, I find myself sitting and waiting for that next check to come in, while more people than ever are lining up downstairs at the food bank.
And of course, living in a country whose economy is based on American tourism is not helping the situation. A few weeks ago the famous Atlantis Resort was rumored to be at 6% capacity; this week they laid off 800 workers. Did I mention this is the island's biggest employer? Not good!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Gitarren-und Videospiele
This is top of the line. Originally priced at $45, I was able to negotiate quite the deal at a cool $38.50.
Private lessons are for suckers. I'm all about becoming the self-taught prodigy I was always meant to be. Before long I will be playing such selections as "On Top of Old Smoky" and "Johnny Has Gone for a Sailor."
Who knows, perhaps a video recital is in this blogs near future...
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
The List
It's not a good idea to go downtown when there are 5 cruise ships in port.
9-1-1 is actually 9-1-9.
Pick you up at 1pm = pick you up between 2-5pm.
Just because there are speed limit signs, does not mean there are speed limits.
Conchburgers aren't as appetizing as they sound.
80% of traffic lights work 50% of the time, and are obeyed by 1 in 3 people {driving is confusing}
An expiration date on raw meat is a luxury.
It's all about the Vitamalt. Yes, it actually does taste as bad as it sounds.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Mom Visit
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Turks 2
Until then, here is a picture of me, a few SA Officers, the Chairman of our Board, and the Governor General of the Turks. Yes, I am hob-knobbing with high profile politicians and celebrities these days.
The other picture is me in the helicopter.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Welcome to the Neighborhood
30 seconds and one purse later, we were en route to the police station (thankfully I wasn't alone during this little adventure). Unfortunately my digital camera was in the bag (which contains all of my Bahamas/Turks pictures that I have not uploaded), my phone, all my credit cards and my driver's license. Of course, everything is replaceable, except the pictures, so I am trying to stay positive about the whole thing. As I told my friend Lesa, "it was as good as a mugging could be."
I am now looking forward to carrying way too much cash with me on my trip to Chicago this weekend. Note to self: always keep at least one credit card hidden away someplace safe, like the freezer. Let's hope lightening doesn't strike twice...
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Turks & Caicos Pt. 1- THE BAD
The local grocery store had the roof almost completely torn off.
Piles of mangled steel, wood, appliances an other household items littered the entire island. Keep in mind 3 weeks of clean up had already taken place by the time I took these pictures.
More destroyed houses. Some areas on the island were luckier than others, but this was pretty typical.
The following is an excerpt from a press release I wrote after a trip this past week to the Turks and Caicos Islands. For those of you who don't know, Grand Turk was hit hard by Hurricane Ike. The pictures explain more than I can.
Although it has been more than three weeks since the storm touched down, Grand Turk is still without power and many still do not have adequate shelter. Almost every building on the island was damaged in the storm, many with roofs partially or completely torn off. ReD X's mark buildings past repair, which are now set to be bulldozed in the days ahead. Most of these belong to Haitian refugees, further complicating their situations. Tents scatter the landscape in areas where buildings are no longer inhabitable.
More pictures and info on this to come.